My first and last videoblog (vlog) about my trip to South Africa was over a year ago! After a new nose and seven countries, I thought it was time to record new ones. Here are two videos on my trips, friends, and UP.

In about thirty minutes I’ll be off to NAIA for yet another trip for the DENSO Youth for Earth Action program. I’ll be with two other Filipinos, Kitz (from Ateneo) and Dan (from Siliman). We’ll be living in Ft. Fuji and Lake Biwa for the next two weeks, learning how to do water quality assessment chorva and the environmental practices of the Japanese. I’m only starting to get excited now. Pano ba naman, I had six papers and a performance exam to accomplish before leaving. Infair, natapos ko lahat. There was no school last week, so I spent mornings writing, afternoons writing and/or helping victims of Ondoy, and evenings writing and/or drinking red wine and playing cards (the stupid but funny Guessing Game that Ria invented and Taboo). Nakakapagod magsulat! But at least the things I had to write about were interesting: a language analysis of Philippine showbiz talkshows (watch ever ako ng The Buzz at Showbiz Central), how Philippine Children’s Lit promotes environmental awareness (echos), creating a syllabus for English 11 (ang hirap, nirevisit ko si e.e. cummings, Ernest Hemingway, at ang hate kong “IN A GROVE”), creating a fictional Facebook page for Geoffrey Chaucer’s Wife of Bath (with matching critical commentary), and the analysis of lease agreements (Zzzzz…). I’ll be getting an INC in Italian 11 ’cause my prof didn’t want to give me early exams. It’s gonna take me two years to finish that freakin’ course ’cause I had to drop it a year ago for SSEAYP!!!! Myghad!!!! Ang hirap magkaroon ng chronic wanderlust!!!!!

Ah, I’ve also been helping the new batch of SSEAYP for their National Day Presentation. (Can you believe it’s been a year since ours?! Haha paki pansin ang English translation. Fail kung fail.) Been handling the singing aspect of their show. This is the closest thing I can get to being on stage for now so vicarious living muna. To theatre performers/theatre performer wannabes, there will be auditions for Rent two weeks from now. DON’T MISS IT! Spring Awakening is also ongoing at the RCBC Theater. Do check that out.

Alright, now it’s time to leave my Inang Bayan for another momma, Inang Kalikasan. See you in two weeks!

Many thanks goes to my life partner Mariel Alfonso who edited this. Her “talent fee” was a free meal at Technohub’s Mister Kebab.
The vlogs are dedicated to my good friend Maica Francisco, who has always been the best audience.


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