yrbook write up

I spent a lot of time writing yearbook write-ups. As in the entire write up, not just the ones in fillers. Maica’s (for a serving of Omakase’s American Dream), Jono’s (for lunch everyday), Keena’s (for a bag of Holy Kettle Corn), Aldous’s (for a lot of favors I owe him), Justin’s (for rides home), Simon’s (don’t know yet), and soon Hugh’s (for Conversations with a Fat Girl). Part of Julie’s, Raisa’s, Donna’s, Mariel’s, Fio’s, and Angge’s. I don’t write the typical “nice… Beach memz!!… anna+maica+sarah=friends forever!… ingatz sa college!” type of write-ups. I try to be more creative than that.

I had a hard time writing my write-up. I wanted it to be funny but touching. I wanted people who knew me to read it and say, “Yeahhhhh! THAT’s how she is.” It was mostly what Maix and Julie had to say about me, but edited and elaborated on by yours truly.

An•na, n. 1. Born in Cebu, raised in Cavite, but has the accent of an Alabanger or kanto girl, depending on which language she uses 2. Amazingly quick-witted, highly perceptive, and disalarmingly articulate 3. ¼ of Barkada Smiles/Machas/Sassies/Oposa siblings/Pants Girls/Cheering Pioneers & the other half of Mikki. ANNAtomy: The Hair, perfectly straight and brown, tied in a messy ponytail. Expressive Eyes framed by permanent eyebags. The Smile, with teeth so big & white that they are used as mirrors, is her #1 PR factor and flirting weapon. The Booty that earned her the name Geppetto from GiantPwet-o. Can be mistaken as J. Lo from the back. The Legs that give her the PregnantWomanDonaldDuckZombie walk she is (in)famous for. ANNAchiever: singer/dancer/actress/pianist/teacher’s pet/director/honor student/choreographer/teacher/idol ng mga kids/emcee/leader/pep squad member. Her real power is ANNAfication: ability to destroy by crumpling or spilling drinks, burn what she attempts to cook, draw like a 1st grader. Also synonymous to how she has touched lives through her words of wisdom, made people laugh from her impersonations & inspired others through her performances. ANNAlysis: there should be an Anna Tells It Like It Is talkshow. No one tells a story the way she does. For the meantime, there’s http://www.livejournal.com/~ahnnabanana. Years from now, she might be performing on Broadway, talking to patients in a psychiatric ward, arguing in the Supreme Court, residing in Malacañang, writing for major publications, or teaching in Zobel. Only one thing’s for sure—Anna will keep reaching for the stars while keeping her feet on the ground.

I can still write your write your write up! Will work for food 😉

16 thoughts on “yrbook write up

  1. jingowapo_ says:

    great write-up! ANNAchiever indeed.
    whoever came up with the idea of asking people to make write-ups for someone is just pure genius. it’s the most subtle form of fishing-for-compliments there is… and of course, a big slice of grade/high school nostalgia.
    damn, i miss Zobel.

  2. ivan_p0gi13 says:

    for writing me the best writeup

  3. Anonymous says:

    from Bestie
    OMG. you and i are so friends. My write up was a dictionary thing too.

  4. _prinsessa_ says:

    Beautiful write up. 🙂 ANNAchievement! Hahaha! 😀 I can’t believe you’re graduating already.

  5. Ang panget ng write-up ko. T_T

  6. ganda ng write-up mo! 🙂

  7. ahhh. so THATs annafication. 0;)

  8. annaoposa says:

    i know! when we met i was just about to graduate… GRADE SCHOOL!

  9. aroposa says:

    i know! when we met i was just about to graduate… GRADE SCHOOL!

  10. annaoposa says:


  11. aroposa says:


  12. annaoposa says:

    well basically it’s destroying everything in my sight/i get my hands on. 🙂

  13. aroposa says:

    well basically it’s destroying everything in my sight/i get my hands on. 🙂

  14. Anonymous says:

    ANNAfication. haha 🙂
    WILL WORK FOR FOOD. <- nyahahhaha laftrip!!!!:)

  15. kirk_dlsz says:

    ang formal naman! pero ang ganda! andyan na lahat! hehehehe! hmmm… walang camera addict and pouting?

  16. aww, your write-up’s so good! 😀

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