Monthly Archives: April 2005

funnies and kwento.

My maternal grandmother visits this morning to tell me that she wants me to be a lawyer and my older brother to be a doctor. I’m not kidding! My older brother is currently taking his pre-law, and my first choice college course is supposed to be/can be my pre-med.

“Your kuya is very gentle and mabait, while you’re brave and atrabida! Plus you speak well! MAG ABOGADA KA NA! You can be a Bar top notcher!”

Wahhhh. Lola!! Now she’s making me think, because before I wanted to be an entertainment lawyer. I can still do New York.

On to the funnies.


uli: rais, what’s the polite way of saying you have bad breath?
me: i don’t know. what?
uli: ah.. mawalang galang na po.. tae ba ulam niyo kanina?


in africa
stranger: you are filipino??? so you are the countryman of PAKYU! PAYKU!
dad: (putang ina bakit ako minumura?) Pakyu?
stranger: DA BAXER! PAKYU!!!!


me: what’s your pasalubong from africa?
dad: Hershey’s Kisses!
me: …

from my students, number beside name indicates age

marky, 9: *stares at my boobs* you’re so beautiful.


natalia, 7: you and martina look alike!
me: really? how?
natalia: hmmmm… not your eyes… not your face… not your body… not your feet…
me: so.. i guess we don’t look alike, do we?


me: why don’t you like constantine???
martina, 8: because he doesn’t take a bath.


ysabel, points to a pimple my chest: you know what teacher anna, you get pimples where your boyfriend kisses you.


sarah: ang ganda ng genes nilang magkapatid!
angge: HAHAHAHA. pati ba yun, napapansin mo?
me: i think they got their jeans from bangkok.
sarah: galing bangkok mommy nila?!?!


kiano, pointing at my new pendant: is that a locker?
me: lockeT!


kirk: parang haba ng fingers mo sa feet!
me: toes?
kirk: oo nga pala.


lola ditas: wag kang magkakaMU hah! ibig sabihin non, Malabong Usapan!


calling village guard house

me: papasukin niyo po si pamela co sa bahay namin, sa oposa residence.
guard: yes mam, si pamela cosa.
me: hindi! pamela co SA bahay namin!!


me: papasukin niyo po si diego de rivera sa bahay namin, sa oposa residence.
guard: yes mam, si guardio.
me: hindi po! diego!
guard; yes mam, si diego rivera!


in alabang hills

me: tumawag na po na papasukin ako. anna oposa.
guard: tuloy na po, miss anna orusa!


me: tumawag na po na papasukin ako. anna oposa.
guard: ay yes, hannah oposa, sige tuloy na po!

random stuff.

What is America doing?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!

Wala na akong ganang manood ng American Idol. SCOTT SAVOL… WHY.


I hate the heat. I can’t stand it. I usually don’t sleep with air-con, but now I can’t not.



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my insides

FINALLY we got to hang out today. After a month of being apart.


The Polo Club salon butchered my brother’s hair.

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It really frustrated me, so I brought him to the barber with Diego and Jono. All three of them shaved their hair off.

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I’m reading a book about a dad who kidnapped his daughter when she was 4.


Do you know that there is such a thing as SKITTLES BUBBLE GUM??? Cupps bought me!

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Try it! It’s good.


I am looking for inspiration to write.

Inspire me.


I’m going to post a Funnies soon. Yey.

two special guys.

Lorenzo Teodoro. Zoey to me.

He never fails to read my LJ every time he goes online. When I don’t post for a few days, he makes me kulit to update. Through the past 6 years, we have become enemies and best friends, plus everything in between.

What most people know is that before all the boyfriends and boy friends, he was there.

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That was him before. Now he’s 6″2 and big… only because his heart needed that much space. I love him like no other. 🙂


Miguel Claravall.

The person who made me stop crying over Mike and gave me all the alcohol I ever needed to make me stop drinking forever. 😉 I found this yesterday! For you.

on time.

I’ve stopped believing that we “don’t have time” for something/someone. It really bothers me when people say that as an excuse. Princess Diana, Michael Jordan, Lea Salonga, Ferdinand Marcos, Hitler, Einstein, you, me — it’s the same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 525, 600 minutes a year.

You could’ve squeezed in time for someone you haven’t seen for a long time instead of spending it watching DVDs of Sex and the City. You could’ve turned in the project if you weren’t on the phone for so long. You could’ve chosen going out with former classmates instead of going to the gym. You get my point? It’s really a matter of priority. It’s never about not having enough time.

For me, it’s just about not making time.

my bestie.

I read your Xanga today to catch up posts I haven’t read yet. I just saw you a few days ago but it feels like it’s been forever since we really TALKED. We are so the same, I also refuse to use to word BLOG.

When you and I are together, the rest of the world disappears because we have an arbitrary language. All our conversations go like this:

anna: i know right?!
ysi: yeahhh right!
anna: he was so whatever!
ysi: i know right!
anna: omigod, yeahh right!

Only you could understand the context behind that. Then we’d launch into one of our songs at the top of our lungs. Poor classmates had to hear our daily concerts.

You’re my favorite loser too. 🙂

this is mostly for the LURKERS of my LJ. come on and indulge me.

Because I want to post but haven’t been a prolific writer lately, here:

Reply to this post
and I’ll tell you something,
or many things,
I adore about you.
post this in your journal.

If you’re one of my best friends and you know already how much I love you… Wag ka na.

:* =) >:D<

meet the…

So. Last Sunday was Meet the Family day. He asked me to have lunch in his house.

When I asked for permission, my mom replied “oh no! don’t talk with your mouth full. if you do, just say you got that from that oposas, not the remullas!”

I know them all individually. The Mom because of Zobel’s PA. The Older Sister because of dancing/cheering–she taught me how to be a good leader for the team. The Younger Brother is well.. like my younger brother too. The Dad I met a year ago. And he remarked that I looked like an athlete(!). Last Sunday though was the first time I would be introduced as his… girlfriend.

He and I met up before Mass started. I asked who he was with. Dad daw. When I walked into the room, Younger Brother, Older Sister and Mom were there. MYGAD!!!!!!!! I was battling inside whether I’d kiss them ’cause it might seem that I was feeling close. HAHA. During the “peace be with you” part, they were all kissing each other malamang and I just smiled and said peace to everyone. Older Sister was sweet enough to say “I’ll kiss you!”


Over lunch we talked about general topics: family members, school, classmates, schoolmates, parents, mutual acquaintances, etc. I was Anna all throughout, but maybe the subdued version. I was less animated, I think. I tried to think before I spoke. For some reason, the the siblings started to leave one by one. First it was the Older Sister. Then the Younger Brother. Then he left for the restroom. (THANKS!)

I WAS LEFT ALONE WITH THE PARENTS FOR ABOUT FIVE MINUTES. MYGAD. I don’t even remember what I babbled about. Then the three of us stood up to leave the dining table. I would’ve left with them but then I realized I didn’t really know where to go (LOSER!) because I didn’t know where he was, so I started bringing the dirty dishes to the kitchen sink even if the Mom told me to leave everything. Finally, he appeared and we cleared the table together.

I went in the the powder room to change clothes. I burst into song while doing so, just because. When I opened the door still very much into the song (“Inseparable”), his family was sitting quietly outside the powder room. I almost choked.

Overall, I don’t think I did anything wrong. That won’t be my last encounter with his family HOPEFULLY. Probably more awkward moments to come. At least unlike other people, I actually enjoy awkward moments. They make me laugh when I’m able to remember them.

And just in case you’re wondering?

I didn’t talk with my mouth full 😉


“I don’t know what’s more shocking, that you went with his family or that you went to mass!” -AnaR

my 2nd entry that touches religion

dear God,

remember marge, my classmate of four years?

yesterday i got a text from fio saying her parents and sister were stabbed in china by some crazy chinese man. for some reason, she was left behind in the hotel room. after a few hours, i was told the dad had passed away. this morning, i received a text that her sister did not make it either. i have no idea what the condition of the mom is, but i hope she pulls through.

there are so many things we don’t know. we’re asking how marge found out, if the psychotic killer was caught, where marge is now, when they’ll be coming back, who followed to take care of marge, how the other two sisters are. a lot of people are asking how You could let something this tragic happen.

but you know what, i’m not sure if we’re in the position to question Your plans. i have strong belief that You have reasons we will all understand eventually… even if right now they’re hard to see.

i hope her mom holds on.
i hope marge and the other sisters find the strength to get through this.
i hope her dad and sister are in a better place now. let them watch over the rest of the family.

the madrigal’s family and friends lift this up to You, Lord. you are the author and finisher of our lives. we’ll just trust what You have written in Your book.


got this from pat l.

1. What do others think of you?
I think people only either love me or hate me.

2.Whats one thing you like to do alone?
Write. Surf the Internet. Watch DVDs. Read.

3.What is your favorite line to say when you’re drunk?
“I’m not druuunnnnkkkkkkkkkkkk..”

4.How many drinks before you’re tipsy?
I don’t think I’ve ever been *just* tipsy. You know what I mean?

5.Do you ever have to beg?
YES. Hahaha.

the rest.


While I was in Taft I had a Senioritis attack.

IdontwanttostudyinTaftIdontwanttoendupinTaftIdontwanttobeaLasallianforeverandever. My chest was tightening while Mikki and I walked around the campus. It feels like home because it IS home. Everything is so familiar to me. The whole GREEN AND WHITE FIGHT spirit, archer symbols, animo stars… All that is exactly why I don’t want to be there. I have nothing against my current alma mater, I just feel like Taft is too small for me. Sometimes Ateneo feels small for me too.

Mikki and I also got into an argument with the security of Taft. If Mikki weren’t there, I would’ve probably answered back and scratched that guard’s face. I would’ve. You know I could’ve.

Maybe it’s not being a senior that scares me.

This heterogenous sectioning is a big thing, isn’t it? It sucks for a lot of reasons, but to be completely honest, I think it’ll be good for us. For the longest time I thought our batch was sooooooooooooooo united and well-loved by the teachers. Turns out we’re not as *together* as I pictured us to be. There are big, ugly barriers like cliques and misconceptions. It’s annoying how reputations precede reality. Getting to know people from the honor’s class, performing arts class, and special Fil/AP might bring us closer. Then I’ll be able to say with confidence that our batch is united. There’s always batch cheering to look forward to…

I had my college course picked out like… 24309091 years ago. Same course for the three Philippine universities. There are days when I just tell myself THERE IS A PLAN FOR ME, I SHOULD STOP WORRYING ABOUT THE FUTURE AND FOCUS ON THE PRESENT. There are so neurotic, psycho days when I just keep asking questions that lead to bigger questions. Where will my academic background take me? Will my writing/performing be used in ANY WAY? WILL I SAVE THE PHILIPPINES?

You know what, I will. I just have to use my soon-to-be career to figure out how.

Having said that, maybe it’s what comes after being a senior that scares me.

For one thing, my New-York-after-high-school vacation won’t be happening. It’s a long story, but basically my dad wants to stay as far away from America as possible. So for my 18th birthday and grad gift I will have to settle for a lipo and rhinoplasty. 😉 I still have a chance of making it on the other side of the world, but that’s a different story, for a different entry on a different day. Do cross your fingers for me.

I don’t know how high school relationships go once college begins. But. Whatever. I’m realistic when it comes to things like that. Sarah might end up in LA. Maix might end up San Francisco. Ysi’s going back to Canada. I’ll have Julie, Abet, Fio, and Mikki in this hot, polluted but loved country.

I say too much.

Senioritis sucks.